ASP.NET Hosting

Reliable mojoPortal 2.6 Hosting India Solution

Recently, we have received some inquiries from our readers concerning about the best mojoPortal 2.6 hosting companies. After all, almost all the web hosts nowadays can guarantee the latest mojoPortal, so people may feel confused which one offers the best hosting service. In this circumstance, our professional editors decide to carry out an in-depth and comprehensive comparison among hundreds of popular web hosts in the industry, with a view to picking up the best options for our readers. It is worth mentioning that all the results are coming from our real experience and customers’ voice, based on price, features, hosting performance, reliability, and technical support. Thus, the final output is totally objective and worth trying.


The SuperFlexi module is intended to serve as an easy templating system that works as a go-between for front-end developers and users. Developers can easily create “Solutions” that determine, to a large extent, the module’s uses; controlling both what kind of input users can store in the database and what markup is created on the page. Users can then simply select a “Solution” in the module settings, and create their content with straightforward easily-understood forms, which will then be rendered as determined by the developers defined markup.

SuperFlexi aims to give end users much easier control over their content, even when that content might normally be quite complicated (as in the case of sliders, tables, structured or gridded HTML, and many other things). Possible uses for SuperFlexi are virtually limitless and we’re really excited to be adding it as a core module in mojoPortal 2.6.

With mojoPortal 2.6, we’re including 8 solutions; Accordion, Banner Slider, Icon Blocks, Image Blocks, Personnel List, Quick Links, Social Media Links, and Tabs. Each of these is demonstrated on the mojoPortal Demo Site. Please note, SuperFlexi does not currently support SQLite and PGSQL. We should have support for those database platforms in a couple of weeks.

Blog Post List Module

So, for a very long time, the official guidance for showing a list of blog posts on pages other than the page your blog is on was to use the Feed Manager to consume your blog’s RSS Feed. This meant that the Feed Manager had to make an http(s) connection back to your site, consume the feed, cache the feed contents in the database, and then query the database for the cached contents. Granted, the connection and subsequent caching only happened on a set interval but it was very unnecessary. We decided to cut out the middle-man (Feed Manager) and create a module which connects directly to a chosen Blog module and displays the posts. We went a step further by creating a Razor View Engine for this new module. Yes, you read that right, Razor. You can create Razor views to control the display of this new module.

Reliable mojoPortal 2.6 Hosting India Solution

There are many great mojoPortal 2.6 web hosting providers so it is not easy to get one for you so easily. You just cannot choose any random ASP.NET hosting service providers you have to choose the right one for you. You need to remember that you can call an ASP.NET hosting the best for you if it can provide whatever you need at a reasonable price. Your site is new then you should not be worried about the factors like disk space and bandwidth if you are taking service from a quite reputed mojoPortal 2.6 Hosting India service for your website. You need to make sure that their service is okay instead of worrying about the disk space and bandwidth. And you need to make sure that they will provide maximum uptime to your website too. With, you can get Reliable mojoPortal 2.6 Hosting India with powerful support and network. – Reliable mojoPortal 2.6 Hosting India Solution is one of the leading providers of mojoPortal 2.6 Hosting India services for providing complete strategy to your cyber problems concerning web hosting, e-commerce and cloud hosting working throughout 24×7. This year group commemorates 10 years of the successful existence. The most important plays a part in this success happen to be authentic and relevant solutions of questions pertaining with web, service of experts, friendly customer services and finally the final although not least reasonable charges for qualitative services.

Tired of waiting for slow, unprofessional and unhelpful support? They certainly were. They hired an army of the very best technicians, managers and web hosting gurus. That means clear, professional support, fast. Their team are standing by to respond to your queries around the clock, big or small, and they’ll be there for you in 24×7, 365 days a year. You can contact them via all standard communication channels – by e-mail, through the ticketing system, or via an online form – should you have any pre-sales questions.

They only use the best servers in the industry. The servers are placed on the data center with world-class facilities, thus ensuring highest performance and reliability. They work tirelessly and around the clock to make sure that your sites stay up, stay fast, and stay supported with the latest in hosting technology.

They have architected its network like no other hosting company. Every facet of their network infrastructure scales to gigabit speeds with no single point of failure. Since they built it ourselves, they made it ideal. They designed the network. They designed the server arrangement from the software to the outer casing.

It goes without saying that your data is important to you, and they take that premise very seriously, they do everything they can to keep your data safe. Recovery becomes easy and seamless with their fully managed backup services. They monitor their server to ensure your data is properly backed up and recoverable so when the time comes, you can easily repair or recover your data. The backup is always ready and available for you.

With their powerful control panel, you can always administer most of your site features easily without even needing to contact for their Support Team. Additionally, you can also install more than 100 FREE applications directly via their Control Panel in 1 minute!

Their top priority to deliver the ultimate customer experience, and they strongly believe that you’ll love their service so much so that if for any reason you’re unhappy in your first 30 days as a customer, you’re more than welcome to request your money back then let them know why you’re unhappy so they can address the problem for their other customers and make their service even better.


Their data center has fully redundant connectivity, and industry-leading monitoring and security systems. They own and operate three world-class data centers strategically located in Mumbai (India), London (UK) and Washington D.C.(US). Built to scale to the needs of their domestic and international clientele, each data center leverages an ITIL-based control environment validated for compliance against HIPAA, PCI DSS and SOC (formerly SAS 70) frameworks. Their data centers are also 100% compliant against OCR and PCI Audit Protocols.

How We Choose the Best mojoPortal Hosting?

As mojoPortal is developed to run in most server configurations, it has very loose server requirements – PHP 5.3 (or higher) and MySQL 4.1 (or higher). Nowadays, these requirements are easy to meet, but it does not mean finding a good mojoPortal hosting provider is an effortless job.

Offering the required versions of PHP and MySQL is only a proof that the web host can guarantee the compatibility with mojoPortal. How you can manage your mojoPortal store and how it will perform are still impacted by many other factors including the web hosting performance, security and the control panel.

Below are the most important things we would look into when judging the value of a web hosting package.

Web hosting control panel
The features included in the web hosting control panel decide how you can install mojoPortal, manage files, create databases, and more. Therefore, the control panel must be rich-featured and easy-to-use, coming with an intuitive UI which is understandable even for beginners.

At present, cPanel is the first consideration when we review a web hosting package because this control panel is so far the best for Linux & Windows hosting. It not only makes it possible for developers to handle complex server issues, but also allows beginners to manage their sites and accounts with ease.

Shared hosting is less secure because the server is shared by hundreds of users. So the security enhancement done by the hosting provider is especially important. The servers a web host offers must be physically secure, and the software and operating system are up-to-date. Those with SSL installed are more recommended since the data transactions are secured.
Web hosting performance
The speed of a website has significant impacts on the conversions and sales, so the web hosting performance is given the top priority, too. A web host considered to be good for hosting mojoPortal should be able to keep the server response time within 500ms and page loads within 2 seconds. The speeding-up technologies like CDN and SSDs are also preferred.

Technical support
The quality of technical support shows a hosting provider’s care for its customers. Therefore, all the web hosts recommended above provide 24×7 support services to all customers via various communication channels including phone, email and live chat. The support teams are accessible at any time, and they consist of technicians knowing well about mojoPortal.