ASP.NET Tutorial: Result Wrapper Package: Simplifying API Responses – Reliable Hosting ASP.NET Reviews
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ASP.NET Tutorial: Result Wrapper Package: Simplifying API Responses

The ResultWrapper package is a useful tool for processing API responses in your.NET applications. It provides a set of static methods within the ResultWrapper class that allow you to design and handle success and failure scenarios with ease. This package contains a variety of data items, such as payloads, errors, success and error messages, status codes, and pagination data. As a result, it provides a standardized strategy to dealing with and describing the results of numerous operations, delivering a consistent and robust API response.

The ResultWrapper package’s primary goal is to standardize API answers. This standardization enables simple connection with other APIs and ensures that the answer format is consistent and understandable across different portions of your application.

Why Should You Use ResultWrapper?
1. Payloads with Strong and Loose Types
The ability to operate with both strongly typed and loosely typed payloads is one of the main advantages of utilizing the ResultWrapper package. When you use this package, the response will only include the characteristics you have expressly defined, removing any superfluous keys or data from the answer. This adherence to data format improves data flow between various components of your program.

2. API Responses that are Standardized
By utilizing ResultWrapper, you may create API answers in a consistent manner. This consistency not only enhances code readability but also speeds communication between your application’s various components. Having a uniform API response format simplifies development and maintenance, whether you’re working on a small project or a large-scale program.


To integrate the ResultWrapper package into your .NET project, follow these simple steps:

Open the NuGet Package Manager Console in Visual Studio.

Use the following command to install the package:

`dotnet add package RW`

Alternatively, you can use the NuGet Package Manager UI by searching for “RW” and installing it from there.


The ResultWrapper class offers a wide range of overloaded methods to handle different success and failure scenarios. These methods are categorized into two main groups: generic and non-generic overloads. You can choose the approach that best suits your specific requirements.

Success and Failure Overloads

// To return empty success result.
return ResultWrapper.Success<MyPayload>();

// To return empty failure result.
return ResultWrapper.Failure<MyErrors>();

// Return success result with payload only.
var payload = new MyPayload();
return ResultWrapper.Success<MyPayload>(payload);

// Return success result with errors only.
// Note: (Normally this method used to return failure response in fluent validations or global exception handling middleware)
var errors = new MyErrors();
return ResultWrapper.Failure<MyErrors>(errors);

// Return success result with message and status
return ResultWrapper.Success<MyPayload>("Success message", 200);

// Return failure result with message and status
return ResultWrapper.Failure<MyErrors>("Error message", 500);

// Return success result with a payload, message, and status code.
var payload = new MyPayload();
return ResultWrapper.Success<MyPayload>(payload, "Success message", 200);

// Return failure result with a errors, message, and status code.
// Note: (Normally this method used to return failure response in fluent validations or global exception handling middleware)
var errors = new MyErrors();
var result = ResultWrapper.Failure<MyErrors>(errors, "Error message", 500);

// Return success result with a payload, pagination information, message, and status code.
var payload = new MyPayload();
var paginationInfo = new Pagination();
return ResultWrapper.Success(payload, paginationInfo, "Success message", 200);

Example of Generic IResultWrapper<T>

Note: The result wrapper will return a payload of type WeatherForecastInfo[] when using a generic approach. However, when a non-generic approach is used, the payload will be of type object.

// How to use Generic IResultWrapper<T>
// Example:
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase

	[HttpGet(Name = "GetWeatherForecast")]
	public ActionResult Get()
		var result = Weather.GetWeatherInfo();

		// These are the properties available in IResultWrapper
		var payload = result.Payload; // To get the payload
		bool isSuccess = result.IsSuccess; // To check whether a success case is returned or a failure
		string message = result.Message; // Get the failure or success message if you have passed it as an argument
		int statusCode = result.Code; // Get the failure or success codes if you have passed them as arguments
		var errors = result.Errors; // To get a list of errors

		if (result.IsSuccess)
			return Ok(result);
		return BadRequest();

public static class Weather
	public static IResultWrapper<WeatherForecast[]> GetWeatherInfo()
		var summaries = new[] { "Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching" };

		var weatherForecasts = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(index =>
				new WeatherForecast
					Date = DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now.AddDays(index)),
					Summary = summaries[Random.Shared.Next(summaries.Length)],
					TemperatureC = Random.Shared.Next(-20, 55),

		if (weatherForecasts != null)
			return ResultWrapper.Success<WeatherForecast[]>(weatherForecasts, "Hello", 300);
		return ResultWrapper.Failure<WeatherForecast[]>("Not Found", 404);

Example of Non-Generic IResultWrapper

// How to use Non Generic IResultWrapper
// Example:
public class WeatherForecastController : ControllerBase

	[HttpGet(Name = "GetWeatherForecast")]
	public ActionResult Get()
		var result = Weather.GetWeatherInfo();

		// These are the properties available in IResultWrapper
		var payload = result.Payload; // To get the payload
		bool isSuccess = result.IsSuccess; // To check whether a success case is returned or a failure
		string message = result.Message; // Get the failure or success message if you have passed it as an argument
		int statusCode = result.Code; // Get the failure or success codes if you have passed them as arguments
		var errors = result.Errors; // To get a list of errors

		// Note: If you are using non generic IResult Wrapper, you can still convert loosly typed payload to strongly typed payload by using ConvertToType method

		// WeatherForecast[]? weatherForecasts = result.Payload?.ConvertToType<WeatherForecast[]>();

		if (result.IsSuccess)
			return Ok(result);
		return BadRequest();

public static class Weather
	public static IResultWrapper GetWeatherInfo()
		var summaries = new[] { "Freezing", "Bracing", "Chilly", "Cool", "Mild", "Warm", "Balmy", "Hot", "Sweltering", "Scorching" };

		var weatherForecasts = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(index =>
				new WeatherForecast
					Date = DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now.AddDays(index)),
					Summary = summaries[Random.Shared.Next(summaries.Length)],
					TemperatureC = Random.Shared.Next(-20, 55),

		if (weatherForecasts != null)
			return ResultWrapper.Success(weatherForecasts, "Hello", 300);
		return ResultWrapper.Failure("Not Found", 404);

The ResultWrapper package offers a streamlined solution for creating and managing API responses in .NET applications. It simplifies the process of handling success and failure scenarios while providing a consistent and standardized approach to API response formatting. By adopting this package, you can enhance the maintainability, readability, and reliability of your codebase, making it a valuable addition to your development toolkit.

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