ASP.NET Tutorial: How to Use the DBFirst Approach in Entity Framework to Connect Databases – Reliable Hosting ASP.NET Reviews
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ASP.NET Tutorial: How to Use the DBFirst Approach in Entity Framework to Connect Databases

An alternative to the Code First and Model First methods to the Entity Data Model is the Database First Approach, which builds model codes (classes, properties, DbContext, etc.) from the project’s database and uses those classes as the bridge between the controller and database.

As there are a lot of fundamentals covered in “Code First Approach in Entity Framework”(), which is why we named it “Code First,” I’ll advise you to read the “Code First” article. Initially, we create model codes (classes, properties, and DbContext), and these model classes then create a database for us at run time.

public interface IDashboardRepository
    Task<IActionResult> GetBarChartDashboard(int d, int m, int y, int w);

    Task<IActionResult> GetMonthFilterData();
    Task<IActionResult> GetWeekFilterData();


 public DbSet<ApiEndPoint> ApiEndPoint { get; set; }

Dashboard Repository

public async Task<IActionResult> GetBarChartDashboard(int d, int m, int y, int w)
        List<ApiEndPoint> list;
        var dbContext = await dbContextProvider.GetDbContextAsync();
        string sql = "spGetDashboardData {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}";

        list = dbContext.ApiEndPoint.FromSqlRaw<ApiEndPoint>(sql, d, m, y, w).ToList();

        //var populationList = PopulationDataAccessaLayer.GetUsStatePopulationList();
        return new OkObjectResult(list);
    catch (Exception)

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